What is the best way to enjoy a sauna?

The best sauna recommendations, and sauna accessories that will help you relax better in the sauna
Going to the sauna has been a very typical activity for Estonians for centuries, a weekend tradition in a home sauna, country house, or summer cottage. People mainly go to the sauna to relax, cleanse the body and boost their health. Humanity has known the healing effects of the sauna for thousands of years. Old Estonians did not doubt the health benefits of the sauna because rural people had no other treatment options and sought help in the sauna for colds, muscle, and joint pain, as well as for depression. An Estonian proverb says that the sauna is the poor man’s doctor.
- You should go to the sauna when you feel good!
- Don’t go to the sauna on a full stomach! You should have a proper meal 2-3 hours before the sauna so that your body is ready for the sauna.
- Drink water! Mineral water or herbal tea is suitable before and after the sauna
- Too hot! The sauna temperature should be 75 degrees. A sauna that is too hot is also not recommended.
- Wear a sauna hat!
- Don’t stay in a hot sauna for too long! Recommended max 2 times and no longer than 10 minutes.
- Cool your body in between!
- Monitor how you feel and drink fluids!
- Whipping simulates the skin but may not be suitable for everyone
- You can find suitable instruments or sauna accessories for SAUNA
Whistling in the sauna
Whipping simulates the skin to bring blood to the superficial layers to supply the skin with nutrients and remove metabolic waste. The whipping transfers more sauna heat to the surface of the body. Hotter whipping also makes the whipping experience more intense. However, the leaves and branches that come into contact with the skin help to wash away dead skin cells. Whipping also promotes cooling after the sauna – the body cools down faster when the blood has moved from the center of the body to the limbs and skin. This in turn is a process that promotes sleep. Other sauna procedures, such as salt scrubs and other scrubs, also massage the skin and have a cleansing and softening effect. Our selection (in Avinurme Puiduaida) includes Signe Seebid, Looduspärli, and Magrada body scrubs and soaps to use in the sauna.
The formula for the healing effect of the sauna is therefore simple – frequent short-term stays in a hot environment make our body more resistant to diseases and other health risks. Thus, sauna bathing extends a person’s lifespan and adds years lived in good health.
text pharmacist Silja Nellis

The secret to the longevity of sauna accessories lies in proper care. Our products are usually impregnated with a wood preservative or natural pine tar. When using sauna sticks, we recommend keeping water in the container, even when you are not in the sauna. The water keeps the wooden container moist and prevents it from drying out. Be sure to also try the headrest and footrest in the sauna, they will help you feel even more comfortable in the sauna and experience the heat. You can add various essential oils to the water in the sauna stick, which also accelerate metabolism, have a good effect on the respiratory system and have a cleansing effect. Enjoy the steam!
Our selection (Avinurme Puiduaida) includes Signe Seebid and Looduspärl essential oils. Come find your favorite!